Water Dispensers

Countertop water dispenser with filters

6311 Countertop water dispensers w filters RAINBOW_1

Countertop water dispenser with filters

6311 water dispensers w filters COLUMBIA FC550

Countertop water dispenser with filters

6312 water dispensers w filters COLUMBIA FC750 DISP_1

Countertop water dispenser with filters

FC530 water dipsenser

Countertop water dispenser with RO COLUMBIA FC630

Floor standing water dispenser with filters

Floor standing water dispenser with filters

6312 Floor dispenser w filters FC700_1

Under sink water cooler
Icehome R80

Icehome 80

Floor standing water dispenser with filters

6312 Floor standing water dispensers w filters KSW235

We provide best water dispensers in Cyprus. We import them from best manufacturers in world, therefore the quality of the prodused water is one of the finest. Drinking water by our dispensers is safe and clean suitable for domestic and commercial usage.

A water dispenser provides constant clean and fresh water to your house, free of all harmful chemicals found in tap water!

Installation is easy and simple. You can have your water dispenser with filters either in the kitchen or in your office. Can be installed above counteror as floor standing , depending on the model you will choose. In Cyprus we have very hot weather most of the year , so having a water dispenser which can provide filtered clean and safe drinking water , is really a good choise.
Water dispensers with filters are safe and easy to use, while they require very simple maintenance. On they otherhand  they are very economical, while they save you space in the fridge!
Furthermore they are also friendly to the environment, since they significantly reduce the number of individual water bottles.
Our machines can be with below options:

Firstly with simple filters for removing sediments and odours. Secondly can be with  UV (Ultra Violet Lamps ) for water sterilization. Then Ultrafiltration oprion for even higher rate of filtration UF . Finally the highest filtration option which is of course Reverse Osmosis ( RO systems).

We have several models with various kinds of filters and they all provide cold and hot warm and safe clean drinking water.

Finally we need emphasize the after sales service you may need. Arimec has more than 30 years of expirience in water filtration. We have service team to support our products , all over Cyprus.


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